Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Ouwee for Kimberly

I was taking a bath this morning, Sydney was playing in the bathroom and Kimberly was just outside the open bathroom door playing on the carpet. Sydney and i looked away for like 2 seconds and Kimberly lost her balance forward and caught the edge of the door frame. Sydney went over and gave her hug and told her she would be okay. So cute! Then I kinda forget about it till an hour or so later when I was nursing. I iced it and the swelling went down. Kimberly is such a tough girl!

The pictures don't do justice. It looked a lot worse in person! It amazes me how different motherhood is the second time around. I would have probably been upset when I only had Sydney, but I've gotten more relaxed about things. My husband might disagree a little, but I think I have.

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