Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What we've been up to...

I finally got back on the treadmill after a month. I was able to finish a 30 minute weight loss workout program. Yah! It hurt my stomach a little, but it was much a bit easier than the last time I was on. It felt so good to finish. Now I need to commit a little and get on more often than every month or so.
Sydney just got over being sick. She's been throwing up in her sleep, Sunday and Monday night. Boy is that fun to be woken up to in the middle of the night! It was awful dragging her into the shower to clean her up. This is a time when short hair would be nicer, but we love her gorgeous locks to much to cut them. She had a really bad runny nose Tuesday. Today she is much better. It's nice to have her almost back to normal.
She is also getting better about going to bed, especially since we have gotten back onto her normal schedule again this last week. She's been staying in her bed and getting to sleep. It's been so nice!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Busy Busy

Sydney is a busy girl these days. She said her first prayer a few weeks ago. "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day..." Most of the time we have to remind her to bless the food and she is annoyed when we help because she can do it by herself. Now she wants to say all the meal prayers. She does better at her nighttime personal prayers.
She loves to play hide and seek. Everything is hide and seek. I think she picked that up from a book we borrowed from the library a while back.
When I was taking a shower this morning, she did a little hiding. i kept calling her to get her in the shower after me and she wouldn't come. I knew I was in for a real treat when I saw both drawers in the bathroom wide open. i walk in our bedroom and she comes running out from Jason's side of the bed saying she was hiding. She had my lip gloss in her hand and had it on her face and hands. Little girl! Little girl! I should have known one day she'd be able to open that. As you can tell from the pictures, she was pretty proud! Oh the joys of having a daughter!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Fun in the Snow

We got about 8 inches of snow a few days ago. Sydney loves to sled in our front yard. She kept saying "I do it!". Here are a few pics and a short video...

New Toilet Seat

Our toilet seat broke a month ago. I wanted to replace it right away, but my wise husband said to wait. I was at my Primary Presidency meeting a few weeks ago, and I noticed this toilet seat. It is awesome! It's made from Bemis and is only $30 at Home Depot. Yes, I am getting excited about a toilet seat. It has a toddler toilet seat that is magnetically held in the lid when it's not in use. That means one less potty on the ground in the bathroom. I've been trying to rent potty movies from the library to encourage Sydney. She was afraid of the new seat at first, but because of these movies she loves it. She has yet to do anything yet, but she will when she is ready. It's a little frustrating when she did it for a few weeks in a row a while back. She just has to remind me that it's on her terms.