Friday, January 1, 2010

New Toilet Seat

Our toilet seat broke a month ago. I wanted to replace it right away, but my wise husband said to wait. I was at my Primary Presidency meeting a few weeks ago, and I noticed this toilet seat. It is awesome! It's made from Bemis and is only $30 at Home Depot. Yes, I am getting excited about a toilet seat. It has a toddler toilet seat that is magnetically held in the lid when it's not in use. That means one less potty on the ground in the bathroom. I've been trying to rent potty movies from the library to encourage Sydney. She was afraid of the new seat at first, but because of these movies she loves it. She has yet to do anything yet, but she will when she is ready. It's a little frustrating when she did it for a few weeks in a row a while back. She just has to remind me that it's on her terms.

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