Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kimberly's Blessing

Kimberly's blessing was a little bit of a stressful day for me. To start, my mother in law forgot her big pasta salad for the luncheon. That stressed me out because I had no idea what people were bringing or who was coming. I thought it would be easier to relax and not RSVP. Not gonna do that again! Then when we got to church I realized I had forgotten her blessing blanket. That turned out okay considering it was already in the 80's when we got to church. Then she wouldn't nurse well. I was certain that she's scream up there, but she was quiet as could be. Then we set up tables and chairs to eat outside (that our friend had gone out of his way to bring over before church). It was 98 degrees by that time. So none of those were used. People ate inside, on our deck or on the grass. Everything turned out fine. We had tons of food. I was just a stress case as usual!Our friend couldn't get us all smiling or looking up at the same time.
Chillin' in her bed afterwards...

The week before at church, Sydney drew this picture of Kimberly. Jason drew it first. Then she flipped back and forth in her sketch pad and copied it. I was nursing Kimberly in the mother's lounge when all this happened.
With everything going on, I forgot to take pictures. I had to put the dress back on her to get a picture of her in it. It's so different when it's your second. I try to take as many pictures, but I get so busy! But I love it!
I wish she would have smiled. She loves to normally do it all day. She was worn out by this point!

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