All ready to play! K wasn't too fond off all the clothing, but was over it by the time we got outside.
The snow was a little wet, but perfect for sledding, once we made a path!
K loved it! She kept laughing every time she went down or just her sister or me. IT was so cute!
We attempted a snowman. Thankfully a four year old doesn't have high expectations!
I asked S if she was eating the yellow snow. She said no and laughed.
After a while K pulled off her gloves and refused to wear them. It didn't take her long to feel why I put them on her in the first place. I'm so mean to take of picture like this!
K had a tough time bringing the sled up this way. She kept tripping up, but she was bound and determined. We spent 2 1/2 hours out in the snow this morning. It was so worth it. I'm hoping that it helped break up up K's terrible cough/cold that started yesterday. All three of us got good naps in this afternoon. It was nice after being up with K so much last night.
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