It's hard to believe 18 months have already passed by! Kimberly is such a different child than Sydney. She doesn't say many words, but she sure is always thinking. She gets mad when I dress her because she wants to do it. Whenever there are clothes or shoes around, she's trying to put them on. She loves to put on sister's shoes and walk around in them. She learned the stairs a month ago. She loves to throw things, especially balls. She seems to favor her right hand. She sits up at the big table already and does quite well with a fork and spoon. I weened her from nursing a week ago. She was easy! One day it was ten minutes at night. The next day it was a sippy of milk and momma singing songs. I love being able to lay her down awake, say night night and shut the door. Sydney has also enjoyed this new singing time in the dark. It has been good for all of us. Kimberly continues to be a climber. It gets worse everyday. She thinks that she belongs on the kitchen table! Thankfully she hasn't figured out how to climb out of the crib! Her dad gets frustrated with the no talking thing, but I understand everything. She is finally interested in talking, but it will take time. She loves to be a big kid and get into all of Sydney's stuff. It's a lot different when there is an older sibling to teach her! She loves to go out side and especially bye bye in the car! Kimberly is a joy in our lives and we love her so much!
Weight- 21 lbs. 2 oz. (20%tile)
Height- 30 1/2" (10%tile)
Head- 19" (90%tile)
Weight- 21 lbs. 2 oz. (20%tile)
Height- 30 1/2" (10%tile)
Head- 19" (90%tile)
I took this picture a few days late, due to cold, rainy weather. I was determined to take it outside and in this cute hand me down I got from my friend Laura in WA. I had a hard time choosing a pic for the wall, but this one in front of the apple tree was the winner
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