Monday, November 9, 2009

2 Years Old

Wow! This is my 200th blog! Amazing!
Sydney had her two week check up a few weeks ago. Here are her stats...
25 lbs. (25%tile)
34 In. tall (75%tile)
I think her head was 20 In. (95%tile I think)
Sydney is on track. She is a busy and independant girl. All I hear all day is, "I do it!" I try to let her tryo to do most things herself. I love that she is excited to learn. She counts to 10. She keeps trying to get to 13, but gets confused. She has been getting better at her ABC's. I just need to work with her more. She colored on my walls today. Thank goodness for washable crayons! I guess I'm lucky this was the first time. She loves nursery, going to the library and playing at the playground. She has become quite the social butterfly. It's so fun to watch her gain these skills. She loves books! I can't keep them on the shelf! She prays for nursery and her friends every night. She wants to do prayers without my help sometimes. She starts them with, "In the name of Jesus Christ amen". When I try to correct her, she gets so upset with me. It's so cute though. She is talking so well. She is really putting sentences together. During lunch I had something in the microwave. I was doing something and couldn't get to it right away. Sydney says, "I go get it mommy." She is mommy's little helper! She still says E instead of the. Today she was telling me that she wanted to call her friend. What!? Where's mommy's little girl?! She has been my little cheerleader during the morning sickness. She has become a climber now. She'll grab whatever she can, flip it over and stand on it. It's usually her hamper or garbage can. Today she even grab a tiny pumpkin that we use for decoration. Silly girl! She is very receptive to music, especially songs with actions. She loves "Baby Bumblebee." We are so blessed to have such a happy and healthy little girl to teach us each day!

1 comment:

twiddyfam said...

What a cute post! I can't believe she's already asking to use the phone!