Thursday, February 21, 2008

First Fever

I took Sydney to the Health Dept. for her 4 month shots on Tuesday. I gave her some Motrin before we left to help her. She was so good. She was all smiles minutes after the shots. We ran some errands, (she slept quite a bit then) and went home. I gave her another dose of Motrin and she spit it all out. She did good with Motrin for her 2 month shots, but I guess she doesn't like it anymore. Actually for her 2 mothers, she had no reaction to them. I didn't realize how nice that was till now... She was very clingy to me all day Tuesday. I put her down for the night. The next morning she was really warm. I took her temp and it was 101 degrees. I attempted some Grape Tylenol thinking she might like a different flavor, but no. I gave her a cool bath and her fever was broke. I couldn't put her down all day. She'd fall asleep in my arms and when I barely started to lay her in her crib, she freaked. Her dad tried to help, but she wanted mama. Today she was back to herself again. What an adventure!!! Can't wait for the 6 monthers!

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